Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chase Freedom Credit Card

Just to let you know, I am not paid to sponsor anything. I would let you know if I am. I just really really really like certain programs. Does blogging generally not have indents? I'm trying to make a paragraph indent and there's no button for it. I'll just keep pressing space at the beginning of every paragraph then... Today, I am promoting Chase Freedom Card. This is the exact design I got for the card.

About the program:
      Always make sure you read about the terms and condition before you sign up for ANYTHING. From when I signed up, which is about a month ago, you basically apply for the credit card. If you get approved, you get $200 worth in points, which you can cash out or use the points to purchase things from their rewards program. These points are only for members who have not previously had a Chase credit card before. So the point of the program is to get new applicants. However, you don't get the check immediately. You have to use the card at least once, then after a month, when you get your statement, is when the points get counted for. So I waited a month, then went to the rewards website, and had them send me a check. I had to edit the picture a bit so... you don't steal my moneyz. I usually use photoshop but I didn't get a chance to install it to my new computer. So I used HP photo which was pretty easy but didn't gimmie the beauty the photoshop would have.

I think the interest was 19.24% and if you're late on your payment, it may increase up to 29.99%. Just make sure you pay out your balance on time, every month, and you would never have to worry about the interest. Now there's 0% interest for the first year. So if you spend a lot, make sure you get it paid off before the year. There's also points build up for what you spend. For example, you get 5x the point if you buy groceries for the month of May. I don't pay attention to the point system, mainly because I signed up for no interest and the $200 check.

Additional Comments:
     So far, I have no complaints about the card I'm using. Of course, shortly after, I get letters about opening a bank account with chase and get $150 for it. I also noticed they've sent me the same letter about opening another freedom card but instead of $200, they have downed it to $150. But since I'm not a new member anymore, that offer does not apply to me and I really have no need for another bank account.  The bank account is not for me but may be for you. I bet after a couple more months, the offer will go down to $100 and eventually $50.

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