Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Introduction - Just Saying Hi

TESTING 1 2 3:
Testing my blog. Checking out what the templates and stuff I can do to the blog. Basically working out the buttons and figuring out how this works. As far as I can tell, this is working like a word document.


 I always wanted to do some type of blog. Not like a journal though. No one really want to hear another person's life cause it's extremely boring. I want to talk about my interests and stuff but it seems like everyone's doing that. They're also doing it a lot better than I am. I'm not hard core mad or obsessed enough about a certain subject. Sometimes I'm also behind in the fads. So I had to figure out what I do best. I am very good at being frugal. So I guess the blog is gonna head into a financial direction. Maybe I'll talk about a certain deal I really like, ways to save more money, do activities that are free and nearly free. Just note, I am not a financial advisor. I'm just a very very cheap person. Now that may seem like a negative perception of me, but we like to think of us as smart shoppers. As a young adult, I'm not going be highlighting boring stuff like "Buy 2 get 1 free on groceries from walmart" or something. It's probably gonna be leaning more on "FREE SHOTS EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR FOR LADIES AT ALOHA KITCHEN ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT!". I'm not sure. I shall give this blog life and see where it goes. This first blog is a tester for what I can do. What I put down on my future blogs is what I see. You are free to comment whether you agree or disagree. If I put down something that seems a little off, like I did not read the fine lines of a contract or something, you're free to comment on that and correct me. I'm human, not everything I say I correct. I like to think that way though.

About me: 
For those who do not know, my name is Angela. I'm a recent graduate of UNLV in the college of Business - Marketing. Online, I like to go by the name Usara. Especially in video games. So if you play Rakion and you see this character kicking your butt, that would be me. There isn't a specific reason why I chose that name. Just a pen name I have stuck with since I was in 6th grade. I don't make bogus amount of money nor do I spend it frivolously. I like anime, video games, manga, comics, conventions/trade shows, new technology, sweet deals, stupid humor, photography, filming, musicals, Bollywood, and whatever I cannot name at the top of my head.

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